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Bastrop Veteran's Car Show 7-9 November 2014

  • Bastrop Veteran's Day Car Show Main Street Bastrop, TX USA (map)

We will meet Saturday morning at 8:00 at Buc-ee's on Hwy 290 and Hwy 362.  Time to leave 8:15.  We are leaving early in order to get to Bastrop in time for the Veteran's parade at 10:45. (It is a walking parade, no cars)

There will be a pit stop at Buc-ee's in Giddings (the Original).  From there we will proceed to Bastrop in convoy and park. 

Next attend the Vet's Parade.  Go to car show.  Eat lunch and proceed to hotel.

There will be a social hour around 5:30pm and immediately following we will go to dinner.  Location to be determined.

Sunday morning we will return on back roads via Smithville, Fayetteville and onto Round Top for lunch ad then return to Houston.

The Hampton Inn is located at 240 S Hasler Blvd,  Phone number is 512-321-2898 or http:/

More info as The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce updates the website (below)