This is an Official NWHVette-Rods Event
EVENT - CORVETTE WORLD STREET MEET - September 27, 2014 (click on Houston link info)
TIME - Meet @ Starbucks at 9:00am for coffee. Leave at 9:15 for CW. Arrive at 10:00am. This event ends at 2:00pm
ADDRESS - 15350 I-45 NORTH Houston, TX 77090
PHONE - 281 821-1222
TYPE OF EVENT - Our host and General Manager, Chris Tine, invited us to an Open House at Corvette World. Chris is in the process of inviting all Houston area Corvette Clubs to view Corvette World's newest location.
FOOD & BEVERAGES will be served FREE of charge.
DISCOUNTS on merchandise and service will be available to everyone who attends the event.
Note; feedback from other clubs who have attended is very positive.
Option - After the Street Meet, head to Old Town Spring for the Annual Rod Run and Car Show held in this historic little town. The show is FREE to the general public.