January 11, 2015
ANNUAL LUCKY ROD RUN to Bryan College Station and the Chicken Oil Co. Restaurant
Meet: Buc-ees on Hwy. 290 & Hwy. 362 (just West of 2920) Waller, TX
Time: 7:30 am and depart @ 7:45. We need to leave early to get good parking.
Detailed directions / maps will be provided. Our destination is 3600 College Av. Bryan, TX which is just off University Av. If you get lost, contact Tony - 832 326-1778.
Distance from Buc-ee's to Chicken Oil Co. is 52 miles. This event will be over by noon and there will be 300 + classic cars attending this unpublished event. This is a real Texas tradition for the Hot Rod / Classic Car community.