Welcome to Aeros & Autos
Go direct (see details below) OR . . .
. . . Go direct to Ellington or meet :
7:00 AM & leave @ 7:15 AM at Panera Bread - Spring Cypress & 249 feeder road (west side)
Route: Beltway 8 East (EZ Tag only) to TX 3 – Old Galveston Rd. Exit . Direction s & map provided at Panera.
Date of the Event: May 16, 2015; gates open at 8 am and close at 4 pm
Location: Ellington Airport
Times: See details
Car Show Awards: TBD
Racing: Sunup to sunset
General Admission for Adults $5; children 3 and under are free
The Houston Airport System will host the Aeros & Autos at Ellington Airport on May 16th, 2015
This annual, family-friendly event will feature a Car Show, Swap-Meet, Aircraft Displays, Kids Corral, gift drawings, food, live music and more. Proceeds from this event will benefit: The Texas Lions Camp, an organization focused on assisting physically disabled, hearing / vision impaired and diabetic children from the State of Texas & The United Service Organization (USO), whose mission is to support the troops by providing morale, welfare and recreation-type services to our men and women in uniform.
Ellington Airport invites you to the 7th Annual Aeros & Autos event on Saturday, May 16 to enjoy the best of both transportation worlds: airplanes and automobiles. This annual family-friendly community event will feature:
- Car show (Registration 8am-12pm, Day of show only)
- Static aircraft displays
- Kids corral
- Gift drawings
- Food
- Live entertainment
- The Houston Half Mile Shootout
Proceeds from this show will benefit the Texas Lions Camp; an organization focused on assisting physically disabled, hearing/vision impaired and diabetic children from the State of Texas and the Lone Star Veterans Association LSVA.
Enjoy exciting displays from:
- Military Organizations
- Houston Police Department
- The U.S. Coast Guard
- Collings Foundation
- Commemorative Air Force
- Lone Star Flight Museum
- Helicopter Rides
- And Much More!
Car Show
Come participate in one of Houston’s premier car shows for a chance to win one of multiple trophies given to those elite automobiles that enters the show. Registration for the Car Show is $30 and is due on the day of the show only. Registration includes one admittance, a goodie bag, 4×6 photo of your ride with a military aircraft and an event t-shirt. Time for registration is 8am-12pm. Trophies will be awarded near 3pm.
April 25th. Saturday 2015 at 4:30 PM
I don't know who gave the name "April Showers" to the month
of April, it sure is fitting for us in 2015. So many shows today
and most were rained out, which is getting to be a common thing
in our neck of the woods here lately. The sun broke out here in
God's Country at about straight up on the clock, so I grab my
camera and headed to visit my buddy Jerry Barnett at the Alvin
Rotary Club Frontier Days Car, Truck & one Tractor show.
I knew their would have to be some of my OLD die hard friends
at the park, YEP, they sure were, with about 50+ entry's wiping
down there cars when I arrived. Considering the weather
Saturday morning, it still was a respectful amount of cars, trucks
and One Tractor..... I'm going to keep this short, and share some
pictures with you folks that didn't or couldn't make it. Y'all be
good and pray to get the rain to stop especially on the week-ends.
God, Please, just shoot up amongst us, one of us needs some
relief here!!!!! Don't you just feel like a drought is coming LOL..
Click here: 04-25-15 Alvin Frontier Days Car- Bike Show Album
Mark your calendars for:
May 16th. Sat. Ellington Airport Invites You To The 7th. Annual Aeros
& Autos Event To Enjoy The Best Of Both Transportation: Worlds
Airplanes & Automobiles. Half Mile Shootout, the event is open to all
automobiles and motorcycles Click On Link Below To Enter
Click here: 05-16-15 Aeros & Autos Show At Ellington Airport Flyer
Click here: Entry Into The US 1/2 Mile - Shoot Out Top Speed
Click here: Map To Aeros & Autos Show, 6011 Farley Rd