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Dick's Classic Car Garage in San Marcos

Saturday September 19, 2015

THE EMBASSY SUITES ARE COMPLETELY BOOKED!  If you plan to attend this event and stay overnight in San Marcos, contact Tony Accardo @ or 832 326-1778 for a list of available hotels in close proximity to Dick's.

Event - Cruise to Dick's Classic Garage Car Museum -   - Drive time 3 hours and 155 miles via 290 and Hwy. 21 (maps provided)

Staging - 9:30 am @ Buc-ee's located on the corner of Hwy. 290 and FM 362 in Waller, TX
Depart - 10:00 am

Pit STOP & Lunch - Main Street, Bastrop, TX (There are many nice restaurants to select from.  A list will be provided.)

Depart Bastrop at 1:00 pm

Destination - Embassy Suites, San Marcos, TX arrival @ approximately 2:00 pm for check-in Social in hotel lobby - 3:00 pm till 4:15

Leave hotel and arrive at Dick's @ 4:30 for reserved Vette-Rods Parking

Details -
FREE admission to the Car Museum
Car Show and Live Band in front of the Museum beginning @ 5:00
Food and drinks available for a nominal charge

Sunday September 20, 2015

Event - Cruise to Greune, TX for lunch and Market Days (maps provided)
Meet for breakfast in the lobby of the hotel 

Depart - 10:15 am for Gruene

Lunch - Recommended - Gruene River Grill or any of the other fine eating establishments in town

Gruene has a great historic district and this Texas Hill Country oasis is filled with live music and dancing, fly fishing, river floating, shopping and dining.

Want to take home a bit of your Gruene experience?  Old Gruene Market Days are the third weekend of every month through November and feature 100 vendors of crafted items and goodies.  Looks like we are hitting it just right!

Return to Houston - Your are on your own for the return trip - Drive Safe!

Questions, contact Tony Accardo - 832 326-1778

Hotel Info -  Tony booked a block of rooms at the Embassy Suites which is where we stayed last year.  The Block of rooms ($139) are under NW Houston Vette-Rods and the code is HVR.  

You can make reservations by calling Reservations - 512 392-6450
Booking code - HVR
Rate - $139.00

Our point of contact at the hotel is Jennifer Johnson, Executive Meeting Manager, 
512 805-5326 or on-line at -  You must make reservations prior to 8/20/15.

More information on this event to follow.  Check out their web page and FaceBook