EVENT - 10th Annual NWHouston Vette-Rods Christmas Party & Auction
DATE - December 9, 2017
LOCATION - North Hampton Mud Community Center, Root Rd., Spring, TX (see map)
TIME - 4:00 - 5:00 socializing & snacks, 5:00 Dinner and party ends @ 8:00pm
COST - $25 per couple & $15 single
REFRESHMENTS - This is a BYOB Party. Bring mixers, beer, wine, Ice chest etc. & we will supply Ice for drinks. Ice tea will be provided by Catering Co.
FOOD - This is a catered, sit down event. As in the past, please bring an appetizers, dip or dessert for everyone to enjoy before and after the main course.
RSVP - Is required via e-mail, in person or text no later than November 30, 2017. Space is limited to 120 members and payment is required in advance.
Make out your check and mail to Tony Accardo, 15015 Windsdowne Lane, Cypress, TX 77429
RSVP to my e-mail - bigtuna1972@gmail.com or text to 832 326-1778. I will also accept checks in person no later than November 30, 2017.
AUCTION - The Auction items will be awesome this year. So, bring lots of $$$ and / or your checkbook along with you. Remember, we are a no-dues organization, therefore this is our only $$$ maker this year. In addition to the AUCTION, we will have lots of DOOR PRIZES and other treats to give away. If you have an item(s) you wish to donate, please bring it with you the night of the event or call me and I'll make arrangements to pick it up.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please call me at the number listed above.
Tony Accardo