2nd ANNUAL BOMBSHELL CAR EXHIBIT Benefit for Camp Hope & Foundation for PTSD
If you plan to show your car in the show, go to wpsinfo@woodlandsperformance.com and mention NWHVette-Rods as your Club. DO IT ASAP - SPACE IS LIMITED.
LOCATION - Southern Star Brewery, 3525 N. Frazier, Conroe, TX.
SPONSORS - Southern Star and Woodlands Performance & Suspension (WPS).
TIME - If you enter your car in the show, arrive @ 10:30am for best parking. Show Parking is limited. Awards @ 4:00pm (15 Trophies will be awarded).
The Benefit event time is 12:00 - 6:00pm.
FEE - Car Show Registration is $20 prior to Aug. 18th and $30 after Aug. 18th. Each entry will receive a SSB Pint glass & 3 beer tokens.
SPECTATORS - The event is FREE to the public.
ACTIVITIES - There will be lots of fun with a variety of raffles, 50/50, silent & live auctions, food, music, and of course Southern Star Beer.
MUSIC - Performing in the Biergarten stage is the Michael Player Band and The Prettybads. Entry FREE.