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  • 5 GARAGE RANCH 6924 Wied Road Rutersville, TX 78945 USA (map)

EVENT - RETURN TO THE 5 GARAGE RANCH to view the 140 CAR COLLECTION owned by Mr. John Burkland

DATE - OCTOBER 5, 2019

MEETING PLACE & STAGING - BUC-EE'S PARKING LOT located on the corner of Hwy. 290 & FM 362, Waller,TX (between the pumps & 290 feeder road)

DESTINATION - 6924 Wied Road, Rutersville, TX 78945 which is just outside Fayetville,TX off TX-159 W

STAGING TIME - 9:00 with departure @ 9:15

ETA - Estimated time of arrival is 10:30 AM for the 66 mile trip to our destination. Directions will be provided at Buc-ee's.

BACKGROUND - This is the 3rd time we have been invited by Mr. Burkland to view his collection of classic autos including many Corvettes. In addition to cars, his collection also includes motorcycles, vintage farm equipment, tools and other auto related memorabilia. The 25,000 sq. foot facility has a mechanic's shop, a bunk house and contains one of the finest car collections in the state of Texas. Mr. Burkland, his wife Betty and THE 5 GARAGES were featured in one of the most recent issues of GARAGE STYLE Magazine.

DONATION - $5.00 per person will be collected at the door and will be donated to Mr. Burkland's Veteran Charity.

LUNCH - A BBQ lunch and cold beverages will be provided by Mr. Burkland and his Team.

RSVP - Since lunch will be provided, we will need to provide a headcount. Therefore, I WILL NEED A RSVP FROM YOU STATING HOW MANY WILL BE IN YOUR PARTY. SEND RSVP BY TEXT OR EMAIL NO LATER THAN THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 2019.


text - 832 326-1778