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  • Washington County Courthouse and Square 100 E Main St. Brenham, TX USA (map)

EVENT - HOT NIGHTS COOL TUNES CONCERT SERIES & Annual Vette-Rods Cruise to Downtown Brenham TX to enjoy a Car Show, Socializing, Dinner, Drinks and Music around Historic Courthouse Square

DATE - JULY 6, 2019

LOCATION - Once we arrive, we will park as a Group on W Alamo St. which is one block from the Courthouse and Band Stand.  Parking maps will be provided.

THE CAR SHOW - Is FREE and open to all makes and models of both old and new Classic Cars.  Sorry, no Daily Drivers in the show unless it is a Corvette or Lambo!  Once we arrive in town, we will be directed to our parking spots by our member and Brenham resident, Tom Sturm.  This is a non-judged show and it is sponsored by Stray Kats Car Club.  Show T-Shirts will be available for purchase.

THE BAND - MIDNIGHT EXPRESS - Classic Rock & Roll at it's best from the 60's, 70's, 80's from this 9 piece band including several horns.

THE PLAN / CRUISE - Meet in the Buc-ee's parking Lot @ 4:30 and depart for Brenham @ 4:45 PM.  Estimated arrival for Parking is 5:15 PM.  Buc-ee's is at Hwy 290 & FM 362 in Waller TX.  We park between the pumps and 290 feeder road.

FOOD & DRINK - Available at several restaurants, street vendors and bars located Downtown.  Every effort will made to eat together but, due to the size of the crowds for this event, it will be hard to sit together.

WHAT TO BRING - Lawn chairs, water, small coolers and cool clothing including a hat.   If it gets too hot, there are trees to sit under and many places to get out of the heat.

FREE TO THE PUBLIC - So invite friends, family, kids and neighbors to attend this annual concert event. 

For more information, go to