DATE - March 14, 2020
LOCATION - Staging will be in the Buc-ee's Parking Lot located on Hwy. 290 & FM 362 in Waller, TX. Once we depart the lot, our destination is Downtown Bellville, TX. Directions will be provided and there is a (map) on this web page.
TIME - We stage @ 8:00 and Depart @ 8:15 AM with and estimated arrival in Bellville @ 9:00 for Parking & Registration. Awards will be presented @ 1:00 PM for 1976 and older cars only.
PARKING - For 1976 and older cars will be around the Park Pavilion and surrounding streets. Parking for newer cars will be around the Court House. A Parking Map will be provided.
REGISTRATION - FREE and each car entered will receive a "Goodie Bag". Registration forms will be provided at Buc-ee's.
FOOD & RESTROOMS - Available at several great restaurants and shops in the area including Food Trucks.
ADDITIONAL INFO - Contact Danny Jacob @ 979 865-3187
ABOUT THE SHOW - Vette-Rods has been participating in this very well run, FREE Show for the past 10 years. Many of our members have won one of the ACC Custom Awards over the years. The Club is a 4 time Winner of the CLUB PARTICIPATION AWARD. In 2017, we had the most 1976 and older cars registered. Unfortunately, in 2019, the Show had to be cancelled twice due to rain. If it rains this year, there will be a RAIN DATE. We do want to win the Club Award this year so, if you have an older car, please drive it. This is a great Cruise and Family Friendly Show.