EVENT - Space City Corvette's 12th annual CORVETTES & Crawfish Car Show
DATE & TIME - April 2, 2016 - Gates Open 8:30 , Judging Noon to 2:00 PM, Awards 4:00 PM
LOCATION - White Top Pavilion - 5001 NASA Road 1, Kemah, TX
FEE - Pre-registration = $45. Day of the Show = $55 (includes entry and one meal)
Register and more information can be found at www.spacecitycorvetteclub.com
ACTIVITIES - Include a Silent Auction, Adult meals $25.00 and Children under 12 are $12.00. Food will be served 11:30 to 2:30 PM.
CHARITY - Proceeds from this event will benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
THE SHOW - This is a Corvette Only Show and all years will be judged.
Our Plan - We will meet at Starbucks on Spring Cypress at 7:30 AM. Depart at 8:00 AM and head East on Spring Cypress in Convoy to I-45 South. We will Exit NASA Road 1 and proceed to our destination located on Clear Lake. The return to Houston is on your own. Maps and directions will be distributed.
If you have any questions, contact Tony @ 832 326-1778.