Event - Classic Car Stampede 2016, Bellville TX
Date - March 12, 2016
Time - 9:00 - 1:00 (Trophy Presentation)
Travel Plans - Meet at Norm's Chic-fil-A on 290 & Spring Cypress @ 7:30 and depart @ 8:00
The Route - Maps will be provided at Norm's (100 mile round trip and approx. 2 hours)
Return to Houston - You select the route home.
This is a FREE car registration event and the trophies are fantastic. 2015 winners are Larry Butterfras & Mike Blackman
More info, contact Danny Jacobs 979 865-3187
**New info on Austin County Cruisers - they have added a pre-register form and a SIP & STROLL event this year - Use this URL to get to the pre-registration (bottom of webpage)