SATURDAY JULY 23 & 24, 2016 - THE CORVETTE INVASION - Austin TX, The Circuit of the Americas Race Track beginning @ 9:00am. This two day event is NOT an official Vette-Rods event/cruise, although several of us attended this All-Corvette Event last year and had a fantastic but "hot" time. Last year's event began at the OASIS on Lake Travis and ended at the track.
This year, it is just the opposite; Day 1 @ Track and Day 2 @ OASIS for lunch and departure into the Hill Country. If you wish to participate in a Really Big Corvette Show, this is the place to be. I suggest you make Hotel reservations ASAP if you want to join the fun. Please note that Bastrop TX and many nice hotels are only 25 minutes from the track via some nice country roads.
Please drop me an e-mail if you plan to attend this event. Detailed information and a complete schedule of events can be found at