Our new web page address is www.nwhvr.com
The NW Houston Vette-Rods Group was formed 10 years ago by 5 Corvette & Rod owners. Enrollment is open to all Corvette/Rod enthusiasts seeking an informal structure that requires no dues, no formal meetings, or bylaws typical of most car clubs. Membership has grown to over 100 members throughout the Houston area. Members meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 for coffee and socializing at the Starbucks located on Spring Cypress and Champions Forest Drive. We call this weekly gathering Corvette Church & Coffee (CCC). Typical attendance is 20 to 30 Corvettes & Rods unless another event is planned on that day. All car lovers, family members, and visitors are welcome. Typical conversations focus on upcoming group events, updates on member projects, and providing help and information to all.
Members own Corvettes covering all generations from C1 to C7. Some members have acquired multiple Vettes and other collectible cars. The common bond of the group is their devotion to the only true American sports car, the Corvette. Individual members are diverse in background, skill, and interests and this is what makes the conversation interesting each week.
Group activities include restoration, participation in major shows, NCRS judging, and local and cross-country cruises. In addition, there are many planned social functions such as the Cajun fest and seafood boil, Niftee50ee's Night, visits to major car collections, the monthly social, and the Christmas Party. Our goal is to have at least one event involving our cars and families every month. our annual events calendar can be found on our web page. For event details, just click on the calendar and then select the date of the event.
A Directory of current members is prepared and maintained by Nathan Margolis. if you would like to be added to our membership, please e-mail Nathan at vetterods@gmail.com