NWHVRs Support of Frank Elementary School

April 8 Letter to NWHVRs . . .  See photos

Tony and all NWHVR attendees,
It was such a pleasure to meet you!  We are incredibly grateful for your club taking the time to support our school’s 4th graders for writing STAAR.  Your participation was more than we could have ever hoped for!  The kids were extremely impressed.  I’d like to send a little something to your club.  Could you share a mailing address?
We plan to hold the same event next year with the same format and hope you will consider joining us.  I have attached several photos from the event that I think you will enjoy.  I can send a video too.  Just let me know.
Thank you, again, for making our event so special!  We were the talk of the district, thanks to you!
Warmest regards,
Kim Althoff
4th grade ELA
Frank Elementary